Are you waking up with shoulder, neck and back pain or sore muscles and joints?

Even though you have an office job and sit at a desk all day, you still need to do warm-up stretches, just like you would before running out on the field. 

Hi, I’m Josh, the head Physiotherapist at Seddon Physio and in this article, I’m going to show you some easy warm-up stretches designed for office workers. They’ll help reduce those annoying aches and pains so you can actually sit at your desk all day without the need for pain-killers. 


Why are warm-up stretches important? 

Even though we’re not doing strenuous work, it’s just as important to do warm-up stretches before starting work and throughout the day to get the blood flowing, reduce muscle tension and prevent pain. When your body feels stiff and sore, it’s a sign that your muscles are tight and need to stretch. This is especially common if you’re new to an office job, where sitting at a desk and staring at a screen for 6-8 hours a day can quickly lead to discomfort.

Reduce workplace injuries by stretching 

Every week I treat clients who work in offices that complain of back, shoulder, knee, neck and wrist pain. Even if your job is low impact, like sitting at a desk, if it involves repetitive movements, you’re still prone to injuries. Here are my go-to at home stretches to help reduce the risk of aches, pain and injury. 

Back and Lower Body stretches

Stretch #1 – Seated Forward Bend (Hamstrings and Lower Back)

  • Sit on the edge of your bed or a chair with your legs extended straight in front of you.
  • Slowly reach toward your toes, keeping your back straight and hinge from your hips.
  • Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds, feeling the stretch in your hamstrings and lower back.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat 3-5 times.

Stretch #2 – Cat-Cow Stretch (Spine and Lower Back)

  • Start on your hands and knees with your wrists aligned under your shoulders and knees under your hips.
  • Inhale, arch your back, and lift your chest for the “cow” position.
  • Exhale, round your back, tucking your chin to your chest for the “cat” position.
  • Repeat the movement 5-8 times, moving fluidly between the two positions.

Stretches for the arms and wrists 

Stretch #1 – Overhead Triceps Stretch

  • Stand or sit up tall with your back straight.
  • Raise one arm overhead and bend your elbow, bringing your hand down toward the middle of your back.
  • Use your opposite hand to press on your bent elbow, deepening the stretch gently.
  • Hold for 20-30 seconds, then switch sides and repeat.

Stretch #2 – Wrist Flexor Stretch

  • Extend one arm straight in front of you with your palm facing up.
  • Use your other hand to gently pull back on your fingers, stretching the underside of your wrist and forearm.
  • Hold for 15-20 seconds, then switch sides and repeat.

Stretches for the shoulders and neck 

Stretch #1 – Shoulder Roll Stretch

  • Sit or stand with your back straight and your arms relaxed at your sides.
  • Slowly roll your shoulders forward in a circular motion 5-10 times.
  • Then reverse the direction, rolling your shoulders backward in a smooth, controlled movement.
  • Repeat 2-3 sets.

Stretch #2 – Neck Side Stretch

  • Sit or stand tall with your back straight.
  • Gently tilt your head to one side, bringing your ear toward your shoulder without raising the shoulder.
  • Use your hand to gently deepen the stretch if needed.
  • Hold for 20-30 seconds, then switch sides and repeat.

Stretch #3 – Pec Stretch

  • Stand in a lunge position. Grab onto a door frame with one arm you want to stretch. 
  • Gently lean forward and slightly rotate your upper body, stretching out your chest.
  • Hold for 20-30 seconds, then switch sides and repeat.

Struggling with a workplace injury? 

If you’re sick of putting up with neck, shoulder, wrist or back pain from sitting at your desk for 40 hours a week, book a session with our physiotherapist. We’ll work with you to manage any existing injuries and help prevent future problems. We’ll also create specific stretches & warmups to help you avoid muscle aches, pain or tightness. For extra ideas on how to reduce injury and pain from sitting at the desk all day check out the safe work website.