Sacroiliac Joint Pain

What is sacroiliac joint pain?

The Sacroiliac Joints link your lower back to your buttock (pelvis). The sacrum (tailbone) connects on the right and left sides of the ilium which is one of the large parts of the pelvic bones to form your sacroiliac joints. Due to the huge weight-bearing forces placed upon this area, your sacroiliac joints are prone to sprains and strains.

In some people, due to trauma, muscle weakness or just extra mobility, your sacroiliac joints can have excessive motion resulting in back or buttock pain.

What causes sacroiliac joint pain?

  • Dynamic Muscle Weakness
  • Instability
  • Stiffness
  • Poor lifting technique
  • Prolonged sitting.

Signs and symptoms

  • Sharp pain usually on one side of your back
  • Pain in buttock + or – referred leg pain
  • Loss of movement
  • Muscle spasm
  • Unable to sit, bend or walk long distances
  • Sleep disturbed and pain with rolling over
  • Occasional Pins, needles and numbness
  • Rare weakness of leg.


Specific physiotherapy techniques:

  • Manual therapy:
    • Joint Mobilisations
    • Soft tissue massage
    • Muscle release techniques
  • Therapeutic exercise:
    • Mobility
    • Muscle retraining (i.e. stabilising exercises)
    • Gluteal strengthening
  • Stability belt to support your pelvis
  • Advice to avoid bending and lifting.

Book an appointment today

Call 0466 180 746 or book online