Lumbar Disc Pathology

What is lumbar disc pathology?

Lumbar disc pathology varies from minor strain to major rupture of disc, with or without neural compression


  • Annular tear (internal disc disruption):
    • Concentric tear – Runs along the line of the fibres
    • Radial tear – Runs from the centre outwards
    • Rim tear – Tearing away from the endplate.
  • Herniation/Bulge/Prolapse:
    • Protrusion – Base of bulge is wider than apex with the annular wall still intact (analogy – toothpaste can get back in tube)
    • Extrusion – Apex wider than the base so that the disc is narrower than the material outside the disc (analogy – toothpaste can’t get back inside the tube)

What causes it?

Poor lifting technique, flexion (bending) or poor posture causes injury to the disc.

Signs and symptoms

  • Unable to bend forward
  • Loss of movement
  • Muscle spasm
  • Shooting pain down your leg
  • Pain location – Midline, bilateral or unilateral
  • Local or referred pain
  • May have nerve root involvement
  • Pins, needles and numbness
  • Weakness.


Decrease mechanical strain on disc:

  • Advice regarding postures and positions that lower disc pressure
  • Extension exercises
  • Taping to limit flexion
  • Bed rest if severe.

Specific physiotherapy techniques:

  • Manual therapy:
    • Joint mobilisations
    • Soft tissue massage
  • Therapeutic exercise:
    • Mobility
    • Muscle retraining (i.e. stabilising exercises)
    • Extension exercises.

Address contributing factors:

  • Correct posture
  • Improve physical fitness
  • Encourage a variety of movement
  • Ergonomic advice (i.e. workplace set-up, e.g. lumbar roll, computer height etc)
  • Address psychosocial contributing factors.


Encourage normal activity and work.

Book an appointment today

Call 0466 180 746 or book online